To Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection users and customers privacy and security regarding personal data, is a priority.
In exception to the circumstances described in this privacy policy, Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection does not share personal information with third parties.
The Group adopts principles, policies and procedures consistent with the values advocated; according to the standards and strategies that it has been taking, and that meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
Some information provided by users and customers who visit our website are saved, so that we can provide our services and market products in an appropriate way, always according to the regulation.
All data processing is made with the previous consent of the data holder.
These principles are scrupulously followed by all Group employees, in accordance with the Group's internal Code of Conduct, which can be accessed here.
All employees of the Group who process data in the scope of their activities are individually responsible for compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions.